- Yaş : 13-18
- Süre: 2 hafta
- Tarihler: 6-19 temmuz, 20 Temmuz-2 Agustos, 3-16 Agustos
- Climate, Politics & Global Leadership 13-15 yaş
- Medicine 13-15 yaş
- Engineering & Technology 13-15 yaş
- Business, Innovation and Entrepreneurship 13-15 yaş
- Psychology 16-18 yaş
- Film Academy 16-18 yaş
- Climate, Politics & Global Leadership 16-18 yaş
- Law and Politics -16-18
- Architecture and Design-16-18
- Engineering & Technology 16-18 yaş
- Business, Innovation and Entrepreneurship 16-18 yaş
- Curing the Future: Medicine & Disease 16-18 yaş
- Economics
- Architecture
- Artificial Intelligence
- Biology
- Business Management
- Coding
- Computer Science
- Creative Writing
- Engineering
- International relations
- History
- Law
- Medicine
- Nanotechnology
- Physcs
- Psychology
- Criminolgy
- Earth Science